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Hello! My name is Kamron Bagherian, and I'm an aspiring animator/showrunner! I sorta set this blog up so y'all can get to know me and watch me grow!

So let's start with a bit about me! I'm half-Zoroastrian, half-Muslim, all Iranian. I grew up as a First Generation Immigrant child in the San Francisco Bay Area, with two sets of very unpleased parents who were stuck with an "artsy" child. From a young age, I loved the DVD box sets of 80's animation I grew up on, from Thundercats to He-Man. It didn't matter that the animation quality would drop tenfold the moment the intro would stop, I was hooked.

My parents pushed me into the medical field hard. Many of my elderly relatives suffered from neurodegenerative disorders, particularly my Maman Touri, and I remember sitting there, wishing I could do something, only to be pushed towards Neuroscience, then Neurosurgery at my most vulnerable. I had no clue what being a neurosurgeon entailed, but because my dad told me so, explicitly mentioning money, I was deadset on becoming one to make him happy.

While I was certainly devoted to "my" goal of becoming a neurosurgeon, I was pushed hard into reading due to the Accelerated Reading program that was set-up in California schools at the time I was growing up. AR reading would set me up for longterm burnout regarding reading that I'm just growing out of, but it had the benefit of introducing me to various series that inspired my art growth, so you win some, you lose some.

While I was not immune to getting hooked by the TERF-series-we-will-not-name, a series I was much more interested in wound up being Percy Jackson and the Olympians. (I'm so hyped for the TV Show, btw, the casting looks great!) Percy Jackson flung me into a period of my life I like to call "the story-writing age" where I would write short stories about all sorts of things, ranging from fan-fiction to adventure novels featuring my own Original Characters. At this point, I questioned whether or not I wanted to write a YA Mystery Series as a career, and then, at this critical point, a glorious show entered my grubby little hands: Gravity Falls.

Hoooo boy, if I had to summarize my childhood feelings on Gravity Falls, I think obsessed would be a massive understatement. From being hyperfixated on McGucket being the author of the journals, to Stan's brother theory, I, as a 12-year-old, would seek out large forums where adults and children alike would discuss codework for a children's Television show. It was at this point exactly that the career path of animator entered my brainspace. It took actually meeting Mr. Hirsch to shove me full-throttle into finally pursuing animation. (Let me know if y'all want to hear that story, it's pretty crazy.)

Anyways, these days, I'm a pretty politically involved, exhausted bisexual animation student who knows what he wants to do, and most importantly, to me anyways, who he wants to marry. This is a shoutout to the love of my life, Alex, who inspires me to do what I do, every second of every day!

That's that, though, this is me. I hope you all want to get to know me more, and feel free to comment and ask whatever you'd like!

- K

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Hi all! The page is finally published, and I'm writing all this with a splint on my finger, so I hope you'll forgive any typos! Working...


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